Classroom Rules
PE Rules for Class
Consequences for Infractions
The first consequence will simply be a verbal warning to the indiviual(s) causing the problem. The second time will be a timeout, where the student sits out for five minutes and does a cardiovascular exercise on his/her own. The third time the student will receive an F for the day and will be required to take a paper home for his/her parent(s) to sign. The fourth and final infraction will be a referral to a school administrator.
Attendance Check
There are a number of different ways classroom rosters are utilized. Districts, principals, and teachers all use rosters to accomplish different tasks. Attendance is usually the primary purpose of class rosters. Many schools are now taking attendance online at the beginning of each day or class period. If at all possible, I will try to implement the use of computers for taking attendance in order to save time. I will try to send the attendance in after I assign seat work for the students so that I save time and do not disrupt the lesson, as the first few minutes of class are vital to the success of the lesson. I plan to use assigned seating to make it fast and easy to take attendance.
Students Absent the Previous Day
It is important that students who miss class catch up quickly so that they do not fall behind for the rest of the semester. I realize that there are many legitimate excuses for missing class that will be dealt with on an individual basis. I will expect each student to notify me as soon as possible if they have prior knowledge of a day they are going to miss. I will try to do my best to catch these students up prior to their absence. This could be done before or after school or during my planning period. I would also want students who were sick or had an emergency to notify me as soon as possible and meet with me to discuss what was missed and when the work must be made up. If the student does not contact me or make up their work upon his/her return to class they will not receive points for the assignment/activity.
Tardy Students
I will expect every student to be in their seat when the bell rings. If they are not in their seat when the bell rings they will be counted tardy and the office will be notified. I view tardiness as a sign of disrespect and it will not be tolerated in my class. If there are circumstances that I must know about I expect the student to speak to me either before or after class to try to work out a solution. In the physical education setting, students may be allotted extra time so that they have time to change clothes. This will be discussed the first day of class.
Leaving the Room
One of the biggest mistakes a teacher can make is leaving the classroom unattended. If I am ever forced to leave the room it is my responsibility to have a colleague supervise the room while I am gone. If a student must leave the room it is their responsibility to obtain my permission prior to leaving. I will also expect them to not disrupt my class or any other classroom and return in a timely manner.
Needed Materials
It is important that the teacher notifies the students as soon as possible if they will need materials for the class. If there is a problem in obtaining certain materials, I will expect the student to contact me and try to work something out. Especially in the elementary and middle school levels, a letter to parents explaining what is needed and why it is necessary would be necessary.
Ending the Period
At the end of each class I will review what was covered in the day's lesson. I will do this by randomly asking students questions over the main points of the lesson. This will allow the students an opportunity to settle down before going to their next class and will help them and myself prepare for what will be covered during the next class meeting.
Acceptable Behavior During Presentations
It will be my expectation for students to show respect during presentations. Whether the presenter is myself, a student, or a guest speaker the students must be attentive and respectful. I will encourage the students to ask questions, but in doing so they must first be called upon by the presenter. When someone is asking a question, the class must give that person their attention and remain quiet.
Student Participation During Class
Student participation in class will be strongly encouraged. This provides feedback to me to ensure the students are understanding the lesson. In the physical education setting, participation is essential. Student participation will be a part of each student's grade for physical education. If they are not participating in class, it makes it very difficult to get anything accomplished.
Seatwork Talking
Ideally, I would like students to remain quiet while doing seatwork, but I know that is something that is very difficult for them to do. There are some good things that can come out of talking during seatwork, however. Many students are able to learn quickly just by asking a neighbor a quick question. I would allow for students to quickly and quietly ask the student beside them for help. If this got out of hand, however, I would put an end to it immediately.
Obtaining Teacher Assistance
I believe it is important for the teacher to be readily available to assist students who need help. It will be my policy that students raise their hand for assistance and quietly wait for me to come to them. If I am working on something else, they will be allowed to either come to my desk or else ask for my help.
Out of Seat Work
It is my philosophy that a teacher must be selective in assigning seatwork. Especially in small schools, there are days when there are school events that a vast majority of the students will be attending and will make it difficult for them to get work done after school. I also will try to give a limited amount, if any, of seatwork on church nights. I do, however, believe that there is not always time to get all the work necessary done in class and out of seatwork is necessary. I also know that kids are busy in high school and also need to spend time with their family and friends. That is why I do not plan on giving students an overwhelming amount of out of seat work.
When Seat Work Is Completed
When students finish their seat work I will expect them to either get out homework from another class or else find something they can leisurely read. I will try to have a variety of books and magazines available for students to read. The most important rule is that they remain quiet so that other students have the same opportunity to complete their work in a quiet environment.
Group Work
Unfortunately, many teachers overlook the benefits students can achieve through group work because of the difficulty in managing the class during this time. I think group work can really help some students who are struggling in class better understand the topic through working with peers. Sometimes students are scared to ask for help from the teacher, but really need the help. That is why I plan to include group work in my curriculum, but limit the amount of it. I will also let the students know that if they can not stay focused and quiet we will not do group work again.